Shahrukh Khan launched the trailer of his upcoming and most awaited movie "RAEES".At trailer launch Shahrukh said that “I am not arrogant or shoddy but I am a very bad boy. I don’t go by rules and do and say weird things. I am very proud to say that normal is lifeless. You have to be a little mean and when you are that, you’re a little bad too. I am extremely bad but my dimples save me,”.
Shahrukh Khan shows his pendant which has a pictures of his parents.
In "RAEES" Shahrukh Khan palying as bootlegger Raees Alam, and Nawazuddin siddiqui is playing as police officer, ACP Majmudar. Speaking about nawazuddin siddqui , Shah Rukh, said, “When all the good artists work together, it makes everyone emotional. I always say about myself that a star comes in poster and takes all the credit but actors like Nawazuddin make us look best on the screen.The movie also stars Pakistani Actress Mahira Khan , produced by Ritesh Sidhwani,Farhan Akhtar and Gauri Khan,Directed by Rahul Dholakia.
The film was scheduled to be released on Eid, 6 July 2016, but was postponed due to clash with Salman Khan starrer Sultan.The film was then rescheduled to be released on Republic Day i.e on 26 January 2017, but again due to clash with Hrithik Roshan starrer Kaabil the release of film is preponed to 25 January 2017, one day before.
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