Tiger Zinda Hai box office collection day 7: Salman Khan's film is set to give a perfect ending to 2017. The Ali Abbas Zafar directorial has so far earned Rs 190.62 crore. Salman Khan starrer Tiger Zinda Hai is roaring at the box office even on weekdays. The film, which had released on December 22, has earned Rs 190.62 crore and is expected to touch Rs 200 crore mark on the seventh day of its release. According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film is a one-horse race. And with no big releases ahead, the film is not expected to slow down. Tiger Zinda Hai Poster In fact, the film has proven to be not only the only big release of December but one of the most successful films of 2017. “As an actor, I always want to be part of movies that audiences thoroughly enjoy and the feedback that I’m getting from audiences is overwhelming and extremely satisfying,” Katrina said in a statement while talking about the success of the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial. Salman Khan a
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